My short notes

Television is the greatest social phenomenon in Brazil. As far as we know, it brings good and bad messages to our homes. Lets compare. TV is a kind way mean to know more about things. However, it shows inadequates values to young people. It could be an extraordinary form to access images and information, at real times, even though the content explanation is quite poor (Unfortunately, we are usually passive in front at a TV set). The small screem is a cheaper form to get entertainment in spite of several interesting options away home. Its devices are going to be completely digital, more interactive, more “on demand” and easier to connect in other devices, like mobile phones and cars. Nevertheless, millions of people won’t have the chance to improve its relation with TV. The Brazilian broadcasting channels are more interested in audience and profits than education despite it puts all the citizens in front at the same window, showing bad or good things whereas everyone could see each other. Turn or not turn it off?

“Interview With the Vampire” is one of my favourite books. That novel written by American Ane Rice is about a man who lost his soul in teh early 18th century to a charmy monster of the darkness. Louis, form New Orleans, USA, was bitten by the vampire Lestat and became a damned creature too. But he disliked his new nature so much as he sai in an incredible interview in 20th century. He fought against his “creator” and try to “live” with his “daughter” Claudia, a brandnew member of his family. In Europe, other vampires emerge on that story. The leader of the French group, hidden in a theatre, was Armand, who was fascinated for Louis – a vampire with a human soul. That Rice’s view about vampirism is very interesting, indeed.

My favourite room doesn’t exist yet. In my dreams I have a library with an office to read, study and stay. That place in my future home (home, sweet home!) would receive all my books, papers and portraits. Moreover, that research room will be used to work – writting every kind of texts. I would have a place to write and connect the world by the Internet. The furniture would have a few drawers. The books, magazines, photographs and almost the rest of things, could be laid on long wood shelfs. Besides the computer set, my lovely room should have a big armchar and a black table in the middle of it. A light would stay near the surface of that table from the ceiling an Indian red carpet and a modern “abat-jour” would complete that comfortable scene.

Savassi. That’s my favorite place in Belo Horizonte. What reasons? The people walking and smiling, its cafés and an air seemed fresher than other regions of the town. Several blocks were assembled to form a place before than its district. Its name was born from a baker shop, ruled by the Savassi family since 40s. Several times Savassi was used as a stage to present new fashion trends, cars and popular parties. It’s galleries, street shopping and a diverse open air market bring us options to makesells. Nowadays, Savassi is more than a region. It’s a still of life too. The writer Roberto Drummond, dead, described those streets as none else. For him, if you are in Savassi, you have the risk to taste a good beer or falling in love. Like the New York SoHo, that specific region of that big Brazilian city wee can find more colors, generous trees and different kind of people. When I am there, the time goes slowly and the sky seemed always friendly. The coffee shops are a particular chapter of this history. In a very fewer scale than Paris, the reunion of that type of stores is a good motive to visit and spend hours in Savassi. In addition, the book shops are a complementary aspect to compose the spirit of the place. You can have a good lunch (or dinner) with friends also. Inspiration for artists, the center of the place, called “Savassi Square”, besides there’s no square around, is reserved on Saturdays to music, painters and poetry sessions. For all those things, I used to dream be an resident in Savassi. The rent could be expensive and the noise must disturb a sleep in the middle of a calm night. But all the rest pays. So, let’s do as Savassians do.


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