My resume

Silvio Ribas started his journalist career twenty years ago and worked in four Brazilian capitals, having been employed by Jornal do Comércio (MG), Gazeta Mercantil, Correio Braziliense, O Estado de Minas, A Tarde (BA) and Brasil Economico. He also worked in communications consultancy. He has won many awards and is a book author, an illustrator, cultural activist and blogger.

Ribas was born in Curvelo (MG) on 16/12/1969. He graduated in journalism in at PUC (Minas Gerais). He began his career even before graduating in 1990 as press secretary of the Union of Social Security of Minas Gerais, where he remained until 1993. Also in Minas Gerais in 1994, he was press officer of the Joao XXIII Hospital. From there he was a reporter and then a special reporter for the Jornal do Comércio until 1995. In the same year, he went to the Gazeta Mercantil, working in Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina and São Paulo, in the roles of reporter and editor and chief editor. In Gazeta Mercantil, he wrote for the International Tourism, Small Business, Science & Technology sections as well as to the magazines, special reports and publications edited by the group.

From 2002 to 2007, he was Economy Assistant Editor of the O Estado de Minas, the main newspaper in Minas Gerais state. In the paper he was responsible for a opinion column called Economic Moment. He participated as editorial coordinator of the annual supplement the Biggest Companies of Minas Gerais, which ranks the largest 300 in the state. Since 2011, is one of the main economic reporters of the Correio Braziliense, the main newspaper in Brasilia, capital of Brazil. He participated in the coverage of the meeting of G20 leaders in November 2011 in Cannes, France; the coverage of the Summit of the Americas (1997), the largest event organized by the Brazilian diplomacy; the coverage to three international conferences on steel in Brasilia and Rio; the seminar on the New Economy (Internet & Society 2000), Boston (USA), among other.


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